
Super GPs Not GP Super Clinics

The Australian Medical Association believes that the Rudd Government's centrepiece GP Super Clinics policy may only benefit a limited number of Australians and, in fact, do damage to many existing general practices that currently provide valuable patient care.

As part of General Practice Week, the Australian Medical Association has called on the Rudd Government to move beyond its restrictive policy framework.

AMA President, Dr Rosanna Capolingua, said the Government should use the $275 million set aside for GP Super Clinics to develop measures to enhance GP services across the country.

"Super Clinic money can be invested in existing practices - effectively improving access to services for all Australians," she said.

The AMA believes that if the Government is serious about improving primary care, it should work with the peak medical body on the broad measures needed to improve access to GP services for all Australians. Such measures include:

  • Significantly expanding training places in general practice;
  • Simplifying the Medicare Benefits Schedule - allowing GPs to focus on preventative care and the effective management of chronic disease, as well as manage acute presentations;
  • Creating initiatives to support the use of practice nurses - for and on behalf of GPs;
  • Appropriately indexing patient rebates to keep pace with the rising costs of service delivery;
  • Supporting the extension of IT infrastructure across health service delivery to improve the coordination of patient care; and
  • Reducing red tape and unnecessary compliance costs.

The AMA acknowledges that the Government is trying to improve the delivery of primary health care services.

If the Rudd Government is intent on implementing the Super Clinic policy, the AMA believes that:

  • GP Super Clinics should only be located in areas where there are identified gaps in the delivery of local health services and clear evidence of significant GP shortage; and
  • GP Super Clinic funding should be directed towards supporting existing practices to improve infrastructure and expand their services.

General Practice Week (15-21 June) highlights the importance of general practice in our healthcare system and shows that GPs are leading the way to better health.

CONTACT: Kylie Butler 02 6270 5466 / 0417 652 488

Kylie Walker 02 6270 5471 / 0405 229 152

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