Media release

States must support Wooldridge on boxing ban

AMA Federal President, Dr Kerryn Phelps, said today that the AMA fully supports Health Minister Dr Michael Wooldridge's attempts to have boxing banned in Australia.

Dr Phelps said Dr Wooldridge is to be congratulated for taking on this controversial issue head-on - an issue that the AMA has been campaigning on strongly for many years.

"There is only one way to stop the death and serious injury toll in boxing and that is to ban the sport outright," Dr Phelps said.

"Doctors see the horrific head injuries and the dreadful waste of otherwise healthy lives.

"We see the tragedy of the victims and we have to help deal with the heartbreak and the loss of the loved ones, relatives and friends of the victims.

"There is nothing dignified or heroic about causing massive head injuries to another human being in the name of sport.

"The damage is not always instantaneous, the brain can die bit by bit over many years if a person continues to be subjected to heavy blows to the head. It is inhuman.

"We no longer throw people to the lions.

"We banned cock fighting because we cared for animals.

"Let's show the same concern for our fellow human beings. The place for gladiators is on film or in history."

Dr Phelps said the States should get behind Dr Wooldridge to help Australia send a message to the rest of the world that there is no place for the brutality of boxing in modern society.

"The AMA is available to provide expert advice and assistance to help Dr Wooldridge make the boxing ban a reality in Australia," Dr Phelps said.


CONTACT: John Flannery (02) 6270 5477 / (0419) 494 761

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