
States and Territories Must Make Greater Contribution To Training Future Specialist Medical Workforce

AMA President, Dr Bill Glasson, has today written to all State and Territory Health Ministers urging them to provide more funding, resources and infrastructure in preparation for the increased number of surgical trainees in the system from 2007 onwards.

Dr Glasson said the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS) last year increased the number of entrants to the basic surgical training (BST) program from 240 to 260, following a strong campaign by the NSW and Victorian Governments.

"At a time when there is a shortage of medical specialists in Australia, it is appropriate that we start training for the future now, but the States must take responsibility for their share of the funding and resourcing," Dr Glasson said.

"Today's cohort of BST trainees will be progressing to Advanced Surgical Training (AST) in 2007 but currently there are not enough AST positions available to take the next generation of Australian surgeons.

"The planning must start now. The necessary infrastructure and training clinicians cannot be plucked out of the air in 2007.

"The College has done its bit by raising the intake to meet the demands of the States and Territories.

"The States and Territories must start putting the training infrastructure in place immediately.

"They must also make the necessary budget adjustments to ensure the funds are available to guarantee the required level of surgical activity, support and supervision. Bed closures and artificial limits on operating time are not the answer.

"More importantly, systems must be established to ensure that there are enough clinicians with the appropriate range and depth of experience to pass on to the next generation of specialists.

"It is time that the States put some substance behind their medical training rhetoric," Dr Glasson said.

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