Media release

The state of medical specialist training in Australia today - the trainees' view

2010 AMA Specialist Trainees Survey

A summary of the results of the 2010 AMA Specialist Trainees Survey is published in the latest edition of the Medical Journal of Australia.

In a perspective prepared by the current Chair of the AMA Council of Doctors in Training (AMACDT), Dr Michael Bonning, Deputy Chair Dr Rob Mitchell, past AMACDT Chairs, Dr Alex Markwell and Dr Andrew Perry, and Dr Rick Fielke (SA) and Dr Dror Maor (WA), trainee opinion on key aspects of vocational education is canvassed.

Dr Bonning said today that medical colleges have a proud tradition and are fundamental to the delivery of high quality medical training in Australia.

“The survey provides medical colleges with trainee feedback about key training issues, as well as many other aspects of their operation. 

“To our knowledge, the survey represents the first attempt at getting feedback from trainees of all medical colleges on college performance against the Australian Medical Council’s standards for specialty education.”

The survey revealed that colleges and health services are performing well in many areas of vocational training, including in:

  • Alignment of clinical experience with training objectives;
  • Access to supervision; and
  • Adherence to safe hours guidelines.

Areas where trainees felt that there is room for improvement include:

  • Access to effective appeals processes;
  • Capacity to raise concerns without fear of recrimination;
  • Recognition of prior learning;
  • Provision of feedback and remediation;
  • Responsiveness to cases of bullying and harassment; and
  • Value for money, and the overall cost of training.

Dr Bonning said that these results would be of value to colleges and health services in reflecting on their performance against the AMC standards for specialty education and training.

“It is hoped that this report will prompt institutions to internally review their education and training policies, with a particular focus on the areas of trainee dissatisfaction.  The AMA is planning to conduct the survey every four years.

“Monitoring trends in vocational training is critical to ensuring that the increasing number of trainees does not dilute the quality of clinical training and, by extension, the standard of care afforded to Australian patients.”

See the MJA perspective and an accompanying MJA editorial on the MJA website at

View the full survey at




3 October 2011

CONTACT:            Geraldine Kurukchi                  02 6270 5467 / 0427 209 753

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