
Speech by AMA President, Dr Bill Glasson at the Launch of ANHP/Boeing Health I.T. Project, Sydney - Making Technology Work Better for Health Outcomes

**Check Against Delivery

Good afternoon.

Let me start by saying that the AMA is a strong advocate for the use of new technology in medicine.

Where there is evidence of improved patient outcomes, technology is a good thing.

I'm not here today to endorse a product.  I'm here to support a concept.  A concept that could deliver benefits to patients and their doctors.

I congratulate Australian network of healthcare providers - ANHP - and Boeing on their partnership with government in the development of what is called a 'health value chain management project'.

This project will be piloted in my home town of Brisbane.  The AMA and the medical profession will be watching the project with some interest.

Communication is at the core of best medical practice.

Any initiative or product designed to improve communication through the secure collection, storage and transfer of information within the health system is to be welcomed.

Better communication is the basis for improving the quality and availability of clinical information to doctors

It will bring significant improvements in health outcomes at all levels of the health system.

I believe we have only seen the beginning of what technology - information technology in particular - can bring to medicine.

There is no doubt that technology will increasingly have profound impacts not only on medical treatment but the overall quality and efficiency in the health system.

An advantage of the project we are seeing today is that it is clinician driven.

As you all know, the AMA is keen that doctors have input - or are at least consulted - on policy and products that impact on patients.

We have unique experience in that regard.

There has been some concern that in the Federal Government's enthusiasm to progress information technology in the health sector - to put those political runs on the board - stakeholder consultation has at times not been a priority.

This concern is shared by other stakeholders.

The best example is perhaps the Federal Government's proposed new e-health governance model. 

I urge the Minister here today to heed these concerns and make sure the Government includes the people who deliver the service in the process of defining the service.

The AMA has always taken a lead role in e-health.

While the clinician view has sometimes been perceived as an impediment to progress - particularly by the bureaucracy - time and experience has demonstrated that the stakeholders know what they are talking about.

In relation to e-health, we say ignore the clinicians at your peril.

Australia has an opportunity to be a world leader in e-health technology and communication.

I congratulate all involved on this pilot project.  Let's hope the concept delivers the expected results.

The AMA looks forward to working with the Government and the e-health industry to assist doctors deliver the best possible outcomes for our patients.

Thank you.

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