Media release

Sensible decision on after-hours GP care

The AMA today welcomed the Government’s decision to extend after-hours incentive payments for general practice until July 2013 when Medicare Locals and alternative after-hours funding arrangements are expected to be in operation.

The Government will extend Tier 1 Practice Incentives Program (PIP) After-Hours Incentives for another two years.

AMA President, Dr Andrew Pesce, said the funding extension would ease concerns around a possible two-year gap in funding for practices that currently provide after-hours care.

“After-hours care is vital for patients,” Dr Pesce said.

“The incentives enable all practices to either provide after-hours care directly for their patients or to organise care elsewhere, such as through after-hours locum services.

“The AMA raised concerns about removal of the PIP incentives with the Government when it announced its new after-hours package earlier this year.

“The two year extension will allow practices to continue to provide after-hours services in their communities, and provides further opportunities for discussions around ongoing after-hours services.

“We need to ensure that any new after-hours arrangement does not disadvantage any general practice currently providing after-hours care or deter them from continuing to provide after-hours care to their patients,” Dr Pesce said.



1 December 2010

CONTACT:             John Flannery                      02 6270 5477 / 0419 494 761

                            Geraldine Kurukchi              02 6270 5467 / 0427 209 753

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