
Scientology Patient Denied Medical Treatment - Dr Rosanna Capolingua on ABC 702 Sydney with Virginia Trioli

VIRGINIA TRIOLI: Dr Rosanna Capolingua is just, very quickly, joining us now, Federal President of the AMA and head of the AMA's ethics committee.

Dr Rosanna Capolingua, if there was one response you were to make this morning to what you've heard the Church of Scientology say about this kind of treatment, what would it be?

DR CAPOLINGUA: With regards the treatment, I think we all find the commentary quite remarkable, that...

VIRGINIA TRIOLI: Remarkable in what sense?

DR CAPOLINGUA: In fact, that it's a very sad case that a young woman, perhaps, would have had access to appropriate medical treatment that would have changed the course of her life. And that's for the courts to examine at the moment.

More interesting is the fact that she was not able to access that treatment, that someone refused to give consent for that treatment. And that issue is another issue that doctors sometimes encounter.

VIRGINIA TRIOLI: Yes. And that's, of course, happened with a number of the churches as well. Dr Capolingua, thanks for your time.


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