
Revised Medicare Plus - Better safety net and access to dental care but more complexity on red tape

AMA President, Dr Bill Glasson, said today that the improved Medicare safety net the Government has negotiated with the independents is welcome.

But Dr Glasson said the independents had delivered a downside - a more complex Medicare and more red tape for doctors.

"The new safety net will provide great comfort and security for the poorest and sickest in the community," Dr Glasson said.

"The revised system better reflects the frequency that the disadvantaged must visit their doctor, and it means that health will not completely drain their household incomes.

"On the other hand, the AMA is concerned that the Government continues to focus on bulk billing as a cure for the ills of the health system.

"While increased rebates are welcome, linking them to bulk billing incentives based on geography will not fix the access and affordability problems in the system.  A large proportion of concession patients is in urban areas or has no access to a bulk billing doctor.

"It would be better to provide across the board increases in Medicare patient rebates.

"The introduction of dental treatment to Medicare is overdue and something the AMA has been lobbying strongly for.

"But tying access to them to the Enhanced Primary Care (EPC) program is bureaucratic and a missed opportunity.  We will seek changes that give greater acknowledgement to the skills of the doctor.

"Referral to the allied services will be at the doctor's discretion but the EPC program has a low take-up among GPs because it is time consuming and involves a great deal of red tape.

"The Health Minister, Tony Abbott, has worked hard to get his package through the Senate and is to be congratulated on his commitment to the Medicare safety net, an initiative that will deliver benefits to many in the community.

"The AMA remains confident that Medicare Plus will have many more pluses than minuses to come before the election," Dr Glasson said.

CONTACT:         John Flannery            (02) 6270 5477 / (0419) 494 761

                       Judith Tokley             (02) 6270 5471 / (0408) 824 306

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