Media release

Regional aged care beds - a good start

AMA Aged Care Spokesman, Dr Gerald Segal, today described the Coalition's announcement of $100 million over four years for aged care beds in regional and urban-fringe areas as a good start that will need to be built upon significantly if the needs of Australia's ageing population are to be met.

Dr Segal said the funding represents a maximum of 1000 new beds - or 250 a year over the period of the funding.

"It will mean that the resources will be fairly thinly spread over all of regional Australia, but it is an improvement on the present situation," Dr Segal said.

"It is important that the new beds are strategically located in areas where GPs are readily accessible to ensure quality care for the elderly.

"With many regional and outer-suburban areas suffering a GP shortage, it is important that the new beds are situated near the best possible medical care, particularly in rural and remote areas.

"The AMA looks forward to the Coalition's total aged care policy in the hope that this policy direction is duplicated for areas with higher aged populations," Dr Segal said.

CONTACT: Dr Gerald Segal, 0418 559 086

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