
Red tape solution? What solution?

Chair of the AMA's Council of General Practice, Dr David Rivett, said today that doctors are mystified by Health Minister Senator Patterson's announcement overnight of a $30 million program to reduce red tape for GPs.

"It is curious this funding is earmarked to implement electronic health records when health records are not identified as a red tape issue by GPs or the Productivity Commission," Dr Rivett said.

"The Government clearly has no understanding of red tape issues, or of the Productivity Commission's recommendations on red tape," he said.

"Patient records are not and have never been a red tape issue in general practice.

"Red tape refers to administrative and compliance costs imposed by government. Doctors have always maintained patient records, electronic or not.

"Having not been consulted on this issue, the AMA believes the money may well have been better targeted to real information technology solutions to red tape, consistent with the Productivity Commission's recommendations which the AMA supports.

"The Minister's announcement provides no solution to the most time consuming red tape issues which include Practice Incentive Payments (PIP), Vocational Registration (VR), Enhanced Primary Care (EPC) and the completion of Department of Veterans' Affairs and Centrelink forms.

"Thirty million dollars is a lot of money in a tight health budget. It would make a handy contribution to the escalating cost GPs are being forced to pay to meet government IT requirements," Dr Rivett said.

CONTACT: John Flannery (02) 6270 5477 / (0419) 494 761

Judith Tokley (02) 6270 5471 / (0408) 824 306

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