
Radiotherapy shortages indicative of broader funding problems in health system - AMA

Reports of drastic shortages in oncology radiotherapy services are indicative of funding problems across the entire Australian health system, the AMA warned today.

Federal AMA Treasurer and senior Melbourne oncologist, Dr Allan Zimet, said oncology radiotherapy has suffered from funding and resource shortages for a long time, and it is no surprise to those working in the field to see the situation reach crisis point.

"When there are claims that only 38 per cent of cancer patients are getting access to radiation treatment in a country like Australia - when the international benchmark is 50 per cent - it is clear there is a major problem," Dr Zimet said.

"The fact that some of the machines are under-utilised provides at least part of the solution.

"Governments must act to fund and strategically locate the specialists and the services so they are more accessible to the people who need them.

"In many cases, people are missing out on vital treatment because it is simply too hard for them to travel to the capital cities or larger centres where the machines and the specialists are located.

"Decentralisation of services is a good starting point.

"In Victoria, the Bracks Government is already moving to decentralise these important services - a program that was started under the former Kennett Government.

"Other Governments should be following this example to provide more equitable access to this life-saving technology, but first they need the funds to act."

Dr Zimet said the funding shortages being experienced in this area of medicine are indicative of problems being felt across the entire health system.

"Medicare is under threat," Dr Zimet said.

"As the Federal election nears, the public and the medical profession will be watching closely for health policies that address the funding deficiencies that are placing increasing pressures on the effective delivery of affordable quality health services in Australia," Dr Zimet said.

21 August 2001

CONTACT: John Flannery (02) 6270 5477 / (0419) 494 761

Sarah Crichton (02) 6270 5472 / (0419) 440 076

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