Media release

Radiation Oncology Inquiry Must Focus On Equity Of Access - AMA

AMA Federal Treasurer and senior oncologist, Dr Allan Zimet, said today that the Government's inquiry into radiation oncology services must have finely tuned terms of reference and a focus on equity of access to services for cancer sufferers.

Dr Zimet said this inquiry follows around 50 similar inquiries over the last 20 years, so it must be focussed if it is to deliver results for the profession and the people in need of radiation oncology services.

"Contrary to some recent reports, there is great unity among the various professions involved in the provision of radiation oncology services in Australia," Dr Zimet said.

"This unity -and the knowledge and skills of the radiation oncologists, radiation therapists and physicists - must be utilised if the inquiry is to deliver positive outcomes.

"In fact, many of the answers to the inquiry's questions can be found in the National Strategic Plan For Radiation Oncology, which was a collaborative effort by the professionals involved in the radiation oncology sector.

"The inquiry must focus on access issues, particularly for cancer sufferers in rural and regional Australia, and take into account the complex interaction between chemotherapy, surgery and radiation in the treatment of cancer.

"The priority is to ensure that high quality radiation oncology services are made available to all who need them with minimum disruption to personal and family life, and that the professionalism of all involved in the provision of these services is acknowledged.

"The AMA looks forward to contributing to the inquiry on behalf of doctors and their patients," Dr Zimet said.

CONTACT: John Flannery (02) 6270 5477 / (0419) 494 761

Sarah Crichton (02) 6270 5472 / (0419) 440 076

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