
Up up up in a puff of smoke

Embargoed until 12.00 Noon Sunday 6 April 2003

The anti-smoking crusade in Australia is in a sorry state, say the leaders of California's Tobacco Control Program.

Editorial comment in the latest edition of the Medical Journal of Australia by United States anti-smoking advocates asserts that tobacco control measures in Australia have stalled because of a lack of funds and poor political will.

Following a visit to Australia in November 2002 on the NSW Cancer Council's invitation, co authors of the editorial, Dr Dileep Bal, Chief, Cancer Control Branch, California Department of Health Services; Dr Donald Lyman, President-elect of the Californian division of the American Cancer Society; and Dr David Veneziano, Chief Operating Officer of the Californian Division of the American Cancer Society, were highly critical of Australian tobacco control efforts.

"Because of complacency, you are falling far short of what could be achieved if you were once again to become global leaders in tobacco control," Dr Bal said.

"Tobacco use in Australia will probably fail to decline, and could even increase, without significant effort," he said.

Dr Bal et al cited Californian statistics, which suggest efforts in that state have been more successful than recent Australian efforts.

"The Californian approach aims to change the social environment, making tobacco use less desirable, less acceptable, and less accessible to adults and youth," Dr Bal said.

He calls for more funding for tobacco control in Australia, higher taxes on all tobacco products, smoke-free venues, and for Australians to challenge the relationship between some politicians and the tobacco industry.

"The allocation of funds to tobacco control in Australia is negligent, bordering on the farcical," he said.

"At a minimum, you have to spend $50 million per year in New South Wales and well over twice that for all of Australia. This could fund an aggressive tobacco control program capable of producing a sea change in community norms around tobacco use.

The Medical Journal of Australia is a publication of the Australian Medical Association.

CONTACT: Dr Dileep Bal 0011 1 916 322 4787

(for pre recorded interviews. Not available Sunday or Monday)

Andrew Penman CEO NSW Cancer Council, 0411 408 647

Judith Tokley AMA 0408 824 306

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