Media release

Public health leaders challenge Government to act on alcohol tax reform


Public health leaders challenge Government to act on alcohol tax reform

NAAA Alcohol Tax Forum, AMA House, Canberra, Wednesday 28 September

The AMA will next week host the National Alliance for Action on Alcohol (NAAA) Alcohol Tax Forum in Canberra.

Critical that there would be no discussion of alcohol taxation or public health representation at the Government’s tax forum on October 4-5, the NAAA is convening its own forum in an effort to stimulate political and community debate on the importance of alcohol tax reform in dealing with health and social problems in the Australian community.

The NAAA Forum will bring together health economists, public health experts, and parliamentarians to discuss and formulate principles for taxing alcohol in a way that helps reduce the personal harms and the staggering social and economic costs of alcohol abuse to the community.

The Henry Review and the Preventative Health Taskforce both called for an overhaul of alcohol taxation but the Government has not acted.

NAAA members will use the Alcohol Tax Forum to provide further compelling evidence for the Government to include alcohol taxation in its overall tax reform agenda.

Event:                NAAA Alcohol Tax Forum

Date:                 Wednesday 28 September 2011

Time:                 10.00am- 1.00pm

Venue:               Conference Room
                           3rd Floor, AMA House
                           42 Macquarie Street, BARTON, ACT

Media are welcome to attend.  A full program and list of speakers will be circulated next week.

The NAAA has more than 50 member organisations around Australia including the AMA, the Cancer Council, the Australian Drug Foundation, the Alcohol Education & Rehabilitation Foundation (AER Foundation), and the National Drug Research Institute (NDRI).


23 September 2011

CONTACT:    John Flannery                  02 6270 5477 / 0419 494 761

                      Geraldine Kurukchi            02 6270 5467 / 0427 209 753

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