Media release

Positive move by Minister on care for people with diabetes

AMA President, Dr Andrew Pesce, said today that the AMA welcomes Health Minister Nicola Roxon’s revised approach to implementing a new scheme for care for people with diabetes.

Dr Pesce said the Minister has consulted closely with the AMA and the medical profession and has proposed a trial of the scheme so it can be properly assessed and evaluated.

“The AMA supports good evidence being the basis for decisions on health policy,” Dr Pesce said.

“Just as there are robust trials for clinical research there must be robust trials on health service policy, which incorporate valid and reliable methodology.

“The AMA did not believe there was a proper evidence base underpinning the Government’s original proposal for care for people with diabetes.

“A reliable and valid trial will take the politics out of the debate and ensure that decisions on health service delivery are made based on evidence to support good patient outcomes.

“The AMA has agreed to be a member of a ‘design group’ to help put together, oversee, and evaluate the trial.

“We commend the Minister for seeking and including clinical input to this trial,” Dr Pesce said.

12 November 2010

CONTACT:    John Flannery              02 6270 5477 / 0419 494 761
                  Geraldine Kurukchi        02 6270 5467 / 0427 209 753

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