Media release

Plain packaging sends a plain message - "Quit Smoking"

The AMA today welcomed the decision by the Federal Government to introduce plain packaging for tobacco products from January 2012.

AMA President, Dr Andrew Pesce, said the AMA believed that mandating plain packaging of all tobacco products would be another effective action to encourage people to stop smoking or refrain from taking up the killer habit.

“In 2007-08, about 20 per cent of GP patients were daily smokers,” Dr Pesce said.

“Every day, doctors see a growing number of patients who are at high risk of serious diseases and premature death due to smoking.

“Smoking-related illnesses cost the Australian economy up to $5.7 billion a year in lost productivity.

“The decision by the Government to mandate plain packaging of tobacco products will go a long way towards reducing the health and economic costs of tobacco use in Australia.”

Dr Pesce said the measure was crucial in removing the opportunity for tobacco promotion to non-smokers, especially to children.

“The plain packaging will probably be a more effective deterrent for new and prospective smokers than established smokers,” Dr Pesce said.

“It should help prevent children and young people from taking up smoking in the first place by decreasing the attractiveness of the packaging.

“The AMA believes that strategic, long-term, and properly resourced population-based approaches to prevention can be effective in bringing about reductions in smoking.

“This latest decision by the Government is to be congratulated and is just one of the measures that will tackle the health risks of smoking at a community level.”

The AMA supported the Plain Tobacco Packaging Bill when it was introduced to the Senate in August last year.


29 April 2010

CONTACT:   Geraldine Kurukchi    02 6270 5467
                  John Flannery        02 6270 5477 / 0419 494 761
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