
Phelps Takes the Reins

NSW GP and media personality, Dr Kerryn Phelps, has today been elected as Federal President of the Australian Medical Association at its National Conference in Canberra.

"We are embarking on a fresh, exciting and challenging new era in medico-politics in this country," Dr Phelps said.

"The AMA will now be a real player in medico-political issues of national importance. As Federal President of the AMA, I see my role as like that of a full forward in an AFL team . The AMA is a strong team and together we can kick political goals to ensure not only the betterment of the medical profession but also for the patients of Australia," Dr Phelps said.

"The AMA will focus on a vision for the future of the profession.

Priorities of the new AMA team include:

  • Healthcare system: national debate on the deficiencies of the public health system
  • GP issues: ensuring the clinical independence of the medical profession
  • Rural health: access to quality healthcare for all patients regardless of where they live
  • Medical indemnity: ensuring premiums do not continue to skyrocket
  • Junior doctors: protecting the future careers of our junior colleagues
  • Indigenous health: identifying key problems and improving the health outcomes for all Aboriginals
  • Aged care: looking after our increasingly ageing population

"Federally, the AMA is an important voice for not only doctors and medicine but the patients of Australia. I intend to ensure that the concerns of all groups will be made clearly known to the Federal Health Minister.

"As such my immediate priority will be to seek a meeting with the Minister and his senior departmental officers to outline my concerns about the public health system. The AMA will also seek a national inquiry into Australia's healthcare system. This is long overdue, Medicare is straining under immense pressure.

"Australia stands out as one of the leading nations in its health care provision as a result of the dedicated work of doctors, nurses and allied health professionals. For too long we have been forced to run our public hospitals through the sheer determination of these professionals.

"Doctors, nurses and patients can no longer bear the enormous emotional burden under our current system. Change is needed now.

"I look forward to beginning a constructive engagement with government," Dr Phelps said.

Dr Phelps defeated the former Federal Vice-President, Dr Sandra Hacker by a decisive margin.

In other elections, Adelaide obstetrician Dr Trevor Mudge was elected as the Federal Vice-President and Melbourne oncologist, Dr Allan Zimet, was elected as Federal Treasurer. Dr Rod McRae was elected unopposed as Chairman of Council.

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