Media release

Permanent flexible physician training posts are lacking

Pilot flexible training positions should be introduced to help junior doctors balance work and family commitments, according to an article in the Medical Journal of Australia.

More women than men are graduating as doctors, and more doctors are raising children in their training years, but permanent flexible training positions across the medical subspecialties are lacking, says Dr Suzanne Mahady, an advanced trainee at Westmead Hospital, Sydney.

“While the current system of specialist training suits most trainees, there is a small and increasing number who would benefit from permanent, flexible training posts across the medical specialties.”

Dr Mahady said that the unique nature of specialist medical training — training intertwined with service delivery — meant that only certain models of flexible training could be applied.

“Models that can be adapted for medical training purposes are a full-time flexible model, a part-time flexible model including supernumerary positions (ie, positions created on top of pre-existing positions) and a job-share model,” Dr Mahady said.

She said research on trainee outcomes with these models was limited, but had shown that job sharing resulted in high levels of satisfaction and enthusiasm, less fatigue and no evidence of compromised continuity of care.

“It is time to systematically assess demand for flexible training, evaluate potential models and introduce pilot positions to modernise training for the current generation,” Dr Mahady said.

“In this way, we can ensure that educational imperatives are met, trainees can fulfil their concomitant obligations and patients receive high-quality care.”

The Medical Journal of Australia is a publication of the Australian Medical Association.

The statements or opinions that are expressed in the MJA  reflect the views of the authors and do not represent the official policy of the AMA unless that is so stated.

CONTACT:     Dr Suzanne Mahady                                         02 9881 8000

                        Western Sydney Media Office              02 4734 1960

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