Media release

PCEHR and the MBS – more work for and no reward for GPs

AMA President, Dr Steve Hambleton, said today that the Health Minister’s announcement about Medicare rebates for preparing shared health summaries for the personally controlled electronic health record (PCEHR) raises more questions than answers.

Dr Hambleton said it is still unclear whether Medicare rebates will be available for this new clinical service that GPs are being asked to provide for their patients.

“The Government has acknowledged that preparing shared health summaries with patients will require considerable extra work for GPs, but there is no clarity that the longer consultation items will apply to cover this extra work,” Dr Hambleton said.

“For example, if preparing a shared health summary as part of a standard 20 minute (Level B) consultation stretches it out to 30 minutes, will the longer Level C item apply?

“Similarly, if the more complex Level C consultation stretches out to more than 40 minutes, will the Level D item apply?

“Will the Government be providing specific new Medicare rebates for this extra work?

“There is absolutely no clarity from today’s announcement that GPs will be properly funded and supported by the Government to assist patients obtain the benefits promised by the PCEHR.

“The AMA supports the PCEHR and wants to help make it work, but GPs must be supported for the extra clinical service they will be providing their patients.”

28 March 2012

CONTACT:         John Flannery                       02 6270 5477 / 0419 494 761

                        Kirsty Waterford                    02 6270 5464 / 0427 209 753

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