
Older Australians Have Earned the Right to Accessible General Practice Care

AMA President, Dr Rosanna Capolingua, said today that changes to Medicare are needed to provide older Australians with better access to GPs.

Dr Capolingua said elderly Australians in aged care facilities, or still in their homes, are suffering more complex and multiple health problems, but their ability to visit a doctor is often limited.

"If older patients cannot visit the doctor, then the doctor should be able to visit them - but the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) still needs gearing for GP services to be provided at aged care facilities or in the home," Dr Capolingua said.

"The MBS must be updated to encourage and reward doctors for visits to aged care facilities.

"GPs should also be enabled under Medicare to delegate their general practice nurses to assist in providing services to their aged care patients.

"Aged care facilities must also be given Government assistance to provide appropriate facilities and computers so GPs can deliver patient care in a proper environment with access to medical records.

"The current MBS does not encourage GP care in aged care homes.

"With our ageing population, it is time to make Medicare work properly for our parents and grandparents."

This week is AMA Family Doctor Week 2007 - a celebration of the hard work performed all around Australia every day by devoted GPs.

The Family Doctor Week theme this year is Your GP: Part of the Family. All this week the AMA will be highlighting the key role that GPs play in the life of every Australian family in all stages of life.

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