Media release

NSW outbreak shows need for caution

Sydney’s COVID-19 outbreak highlights the need for all Australians to reevaluate their approach to social distancing, and for all governments to work together to ensure that Australia can stay COVID-safe.

Beach sunset

The New South Wales Government is locking down Sydney’s Northern Beaches from 5pm today, with Premier Gladys Berejiklian flagging the real possibility that further restrictions across greater Sydney will be needed should case numbers continue to rise.

Federal AMA President, Dr Omar Khorshid, and AMA NSW President, Dr Danielle McMullen, backed the moves, noting that NSW should be considering the lessons Victorian and South Australian outbreaks and the timing of more decisive action early should things deteriorate.

“No-one wants to be the Christmas Grinch, but the Sydney outbreak was inevitable, given how fast the nation was going in easing restrictions,” Dr Khorshid said.

“The AMA has been calling for a safe, staged, and national approach to easing COVID-19 precautions. We have seen the overseas experience of lifting restrictions ahead of summer.

“This outbreak shows that this can occur anywhere, and that we need to rein things in, so that all Australians eventually get to enjoy time with their families and loved ones.

“All governments must maintain workable State borders to give certainty at this time, rather than create confusion.”

Dr McMullen said the NSW Government was doing the right thing by closing beaches and directing people to socially isolate.

“The Northern Beaches community is taking this outbreak seriously. We thank the thousands of people who have been tested in the past 24 hours, and we don’t want the rest of the nation to be complacent,” Dr McMullen said.

“While stricter lock-down measures may be needed if numbers increase over the next 24 to 48 hours, residents should voluntarily restrict their activities, and practise social distancing and good hand hygiene if they must be in public.”

Dr Khorshid and Dr McMullen urged all Australians to exercise caution over the weekend – to wear masks when in public if in a hotspot, and to reconsider social activities.

“These next few days are absolutely critical to containing the virus. People need to weigh up the risks of going out for brunch this weekend and possibly contributing to widespread transmission of the coronavirus,” they said.

“This time of year is supposed to be about acts of kindness. Be kind to your family and friends and others in your community by following public health orders and helping us stop the spread of COVID-19.

“If we can get through the next couple days and contain the spread, there is a chance we can all have a happy holiday season. For Christmas this year, give others around you a healthy start to 2021.”

CONTACT:                                          AMA Federal -  0427 209 753

                                                              AMA NSW   -  0419 402 955          

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