Media release

'No Gaps' campaign made no sense - AMA poll

According to an AMA fax poll, the Federal Government's $15 million taxpayer funded private health insurance 'no gaps' campaign has failed dismally in educating patients and doctors about private health insurance schemes.

AMA President, Dr Kerryn Phelps, said today all the campaign had done was confuse people and provide a large public subsidy for the private health insurance industry's advertising budget.

"Not only was the campaign confusing, but it has misled many patients into believing that all gaps have disappeared. Until the Government properly funds Medicare, gaps will continue.

"Additionally, the design of a number of "No Gap" scheme products discourages many specialists from participating.

"Many gap schemes currently on offer are seen by doctors as a threat to the primacy and privacy of the patient-doctor relationship.

"The poll proves clearly that doctors and patients don't want the funds intervening in the delivery of quality medical services," Dr Phelps said.

During October 2001, more than 1,600 doctors from across Australia - city and country, AMA member and non-member - responded to the AMA fax poll (See attached).

Seventy-five per cent (75%) of respondents did not believe the 'no gaps' campaign had been useful in providing information to patients about private health insurance.

Most respondents believed the campaign had actually misled patients about the level or availability of gap cover entitlement.

Eighty-five per cent (85%) of respondents feel the gaps campaign had not been useful in providing information to doctors about private health insurance.

While 50 per cent of specialists who responded do not currently participate in a gap cover scheme, they indicated a willingness to participate in "known gap" schemes.

"The preferred provider lists promoted by the health funds are failing because many specialists are excluded or do not wish to participate, limiting patients choice, and because patients would prefer to place their health in the hands of their doctors not their health insurance providers.

"The money would have been better spent on public hospitals or a gap cover campaign that explained the real reason for increasing patient gap payments - an outdated and inadequate Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS)," Dr Phelps said.

CONTACT: John Flannery (02) 6270 5477 / (0419) 494 761

Sarah Crichton (02) 6270 5472 / (0419) 440 076





Gap Cover Schemes - Fax-poll - October 2001




During October 2001, more than 1,600 doctors from across Australia - city and country, AMA member and non-member - responded to the AMA fax poll (see attached). Poll results confirm the uncertainty felt by all doctors, specialists particularly, as to whether or not they should participate in the 'no gaps' schemes.

Medical specialists responded to the following questions:


Has the Government's $15m gaps campaign…


Been useful in providing information to doctors about private health insurance?

Been useful in providing information to patients about Private Health Insurance?

Promoted the provision of informed financial consent?

Misled patients about the level or availability of gap cover entitlement?

Have you been inappropriately listed on a fund's internet list of participating providers?
Do you currently participate in Gap Cover Schemes….
If you currently DO NOT participate in Gap Cover schemes, would you be prepared to participate in a scheme that meets core AMA criteria?


(The AMA criteria include: having a "known gap" product; allowing the doctor to set an appropriate fee without patients losing access to additional gap cover rebates; ability to directly give the patient the bill; maintenance of the doctor's clinical independence.)

Which, if any, of following fund's currently available gap products do you find the most acceptable? (Please circle - funds below are listed in alphabetic order)


AHSA; AXA; HCF; MBF; Medibank Private; Other

Have you had any problems in your dealings with health funds?


Please provide the details:



Gap Cover Schemes - Fax-poll - October 2001




During October 2001, more than 1,600 doctors from across Australia - city and country, AMA member and non-member - responded to the AMA fax poll (see attached). Poll results confirm the uncertainty felt by all doctors, specialists particularly, as to whether or not they should participate in the 'no gaps' schemes.

General practitioners responded to the following questions:


Has the Government's $15m gaps campaign…


Been useful in providing information to doctors about private health insurance?

Been useful in providing information to patients about Private Health Insurance?

Promoted the provision of informed financial consent?

Misled patients about the level or availability of gap cover entitlement?

What proportion of your patients ask to be referred to specialists on the basis of their participation in a no/known gap scheme….
When referring to specialists, what emphasis do you place on the following criteria…
Should GPs be required to provide information on specialists' fees to patients?
Have you had any problems with health funds?


Please provide the details:


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 02 6270 5478
 0427 209 753

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