Media release

New rules should boost vaccination rates

AMA President, Dr Steve Hambleton, said today Australia’s vaccination rates should increase under new rules proposed by the Government.

Dr Hambleton said that, under the new rules, only parents who fully immunise their children would have access to the Family Tax Benefit Part A.  The only exemptions would be on medical or religious grounds.

“It is appropriate to provide incentives to parents who respond to the calls for full immunisation,” Dr Hambleton said.

“We need to provide more information and education for parents whose children are not vaccinated or only partly vaccinated.

“It is important, too, that governments and health authorities continue their efforts to control groups that circulate lies and misinformation about the benefits to the community of vaccination.

“The science is in - vaccination saves lives.

“The AMA strongly supports policies that will increase Australia’s vaccination rates,” Dr Hambleton said.

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