
New Help Welcome for Rural Health

The AMA welcomes the Coalition's commitment to extend the Rural Medical Infrastructure Fund (RMIF) and to increase urgently needed support for rural medical practices.

Chair of the AMA Rural Reference Group, Dr David Rivett, says the commitment to extend the fund beyond June 2008 when it was due to expire is a welcome relief for rural communities, but the AMA is disappointed there is no increase in the overall funding amount from current levels.

"The RMIF is a good idea that has so far been a failure in boosting health services in rural areas," Dr Rivett said.

At the recent AMA Rural Health Summit, doctors openly criticised the RMIF as being weighed down by red tape and lacking sufficient financial support.

"This extension to the fund is welcome, but rural health needs much more than that," Dr Rivett said.

"Both major parties are yet to respond to the joint AMA/RDAA Rural Rescue Package, which clearly sets out a range of incentives needed to get more doctors working in rural Australia.

"Rural health care needs a massive investment if our country people are to have the same access to quality treatment as their urban counterparts.

"The lack of medical resources, infrastructure, and family and social support networks have always been disincentives for doctors considering a move to the country.

"Programs like the RMIF can be used to overcome these hurdles, and we hope that these changes will lead to better take up.

"The AMA welcomes the commitment to increase funds available per clinic and extend eligibility to private medical practice.

"Removing the population limit of 10,000 and simplifying the RMIF application process are also much needed reforms."

Rural health is one of the priority areas in the AMA's election document, Key Health Issues for the 2007 Federal Election, which can be viewed via the link.

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