
New Appointments To AMA Federal Council

GPs have scooped the pool in this week's ballot for the three contested positions on the AMA's Federal Council.

Adelaide GP, Dr Rod Pearce, has been elected for a second two-year term to speak for the AMA'S GP members as their representative on the AMA Federal Council.

Dr Pearce has represented GPs on the AMA Federal Council since 2004.

Also elected were Queensland Area nominee, Dr Wayne Herdy, and NSW/ACT Area nominee, Associate Professor John Gullotta, completing a hat-trick of GPs to be successful in the election.

Sydney-based Assoc Prof Gullotta, the current President of AMA NSW, has been on Federal Council as State nominee since 2004, and now takes over as NSW/ACT Area nominee from Dr Robyn Napier.

Joining Federal Council for the first time is Dr Wayne Herdy, who has practiced in Queensland since 1973 and currently runs a general practice in Nambour, on the Sunshine Coast.

Dr Herdy replaces outgoing Queensland Area nominee, Dr Mason Stevenson.

AMA President, Dr Mukesh Haikerwal, today welcomed the newly elected Council members, who will take up their positions on 28 May at the conclusion of AMA's National Conference.

He also thanked the outgoing councillors, Dr Napier and Dr Stevenson, for their tremendous contributions to the AMA.

"I would like to congratulate those elected and I look forward to working with them and all other Council members during my Presidency," Dr Haikerwal said.

Nominations for the Executive Officer positions on AMA Federal Council - President, Vice President, Chairman of Council and Treasurer - close at 2.00pm on Friday 12 May 2006, with the elections taking place at the AMA National Conference in Adelaide, 26-28 May 2006.

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