
National Health and Hospitals Reform Commission

The AMA congratulates Dr Christine Bennett and the other nine appointments to the Government's National Health and Hospitals Reform Commission.

AMA President, Dr Rosanna Capolingua, said today that the AMA and the medical profession will support the Commission in its efforts to build a modern, responsive, affordable and equitable health system to meet the needs of all Australians, no matter their means and no matter where they live.

"Patients must come first and the solutions to the problems in the health system must be clinically-driven," Dr Capolingua said.

"The challenges facing the Commission are considerable, but not insurmountable.

"We must restore patient and community confidence in the health system, especially in our public hospitals.

"Access to affordable quality health care must be the objective of each and every reform proposed by the Commission.

"Another priority is the medical workforce.

"The current and future medical profession should have training opportunities and resources to allow them to maximise their competencies for the benefit of the community."

Dr Capolingua said the broad mix of skills, knowledge and experience of the Commission members would generate a comprehensive blueprint for the health of Australians into the future.

"Labor has delivered on its election promise to establish the Commission. We will watch and work closely with the Commission and the Government to ensure our shared objectives become a reality.

"We especially welcome the acknowledgement of the AMA's unique ability to provide advice across all aspects of health with the appointment of former AMA President, Dr Mukesh Haikerwal, to the Commission," Dr Capolingua said.

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