
National Daffodil Day Men should not be Shrinking Violets about their Health

AMA Federal Councillor and senior oncologist, Dr Allen Zimet, today called on Australian men to get more active about looking after their own health, especially early detection and treatment of preventable cancers.

The AMA supports the Cancer Council's National Daffodil Day and its efforts to raise cancer awareness in the community.

Dr Zimet said Australian men continue to have this unreal belief that they will not get sick and they do not have to go to the doctor.

"The reality is that men do not rate as well as women on many measures of health and well being, especially cancer," Dr Zimet said.

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics' Mortality Atlas Australia (December 2002) the death rate from cancer is generally higher for men than women.

The average death rate per 100,000 persons (1997-2000) from malignant (cancerous) tumours is 237.8 for males compared to 146.7 for females.

The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare's report, Australians' Health 2004, shows prostate cancer was the most common registered cancer in males with 10,512 cases diagnosed in 2000, followed by colorectal (bowel) cancer with 6,863, lung cancer with 5,278, and melanoma with 4,770. Together, the four cancers accounted for 60 per cent of all newly registered cancers in men.

The Cancer Council of Australia says 2000 lives could be saved through early detection and prevention of bowel cancer through a comprehensive bowel cancer campaign.  The AMA supports this initiative.

"Men's health problems are often made worse because men tend to shy away from seeking medical treatment," Dr Zimet said.

"Men are generally reluctant to access primary care services and may ignore or not recognise symptoms of ill health.

"One of the keys to successful treatment of cancer is early detection and early treatment.

"A key to early diagnosis and timely medical access to services is a good relationship with a local GP.

"I urge all Australian men to find a GP they like and trust, and make him or her one of their best mates for life," Dr Zimet said.

20 August 2004

CONTACT: Judith Tokley (02) 6270 5471/(0408) 824 306

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