
Medicare Funding for Mental Health

AMA Vice President, Dr Choong-Siew Yong, has welcomed reports that the Government is planning $1.5 billion in new Medicare funding for mental health services but urges Health Minister, Tony Abbott, to consult closely with the medical profession on the details of the plan.

The Australian newspaper revealed the mental health plan, which was later confirmed by Mr Abbott in media interviews without explaining the details he will take to Cabinet next week.

Dr Yong said the AMA is delighted that the Government has recognised the need for better support for Australians with a mental illness by delivering on its COAG commitment.

"The AMA would support a new Medicare item for patients to be referred to a psychologist by their GP," Dr Yong said.

"We would also strongly recommend a greater direct involvement of specialised psychiatrists in the plan.

"For patients with severe depression and schizophrenia, allied health access is helpful and important, but cannot replace the care provided by consultant psychiatrists.

"We would encourage the Government to provide greater support for team-based care models involving GPs, psychiatrists and allied health professionals.

"The Government's plan would only work if there was an equivalent investment by the States into their neglected public mental health services.

"Patients with mental illnesses invariably require access to both the public and private sectors.

"It is important that the success or otherwise of existing mental health initiatives is taken into account.

"The Medicare item introduced last May for patients to be referred to a psychiatrist for assessment and creation of a management plan has seen only 823 plans completed nationally so far.

"The current allied health items for patients with chronic and complex conditions are not effective in allowing GPs to refer patients with mental illness to other specialist mental health care providers.

"With mental health, the detail of how the care is to be delivered is all-important.

"The AMA looks forward to seeing the detail of the Government's plan and working with the Government in implementing overdue reform of mental health services in Australia," Dr Yong said.

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