Media release

Medical Leadership: The View from Down Under

188th World Medical Association Council Session, 5-9 April 2011, Sydney

Some of the world's most respected medical leaders and authorities presented at the Medical Leadership: The View from Down Under Symposium on 5 April 2011, which was hosted by the AMA, the World Medical Association (WMA) and the New Zealand Medical Association as a prelude to the 188th WMA Council Session in Sydney.

The symposium was an opportunity for medical leaders, doctors, researchers, doctors-in-training, medical students and media to connect and communicate with WMA delegates and to share current issues in the wide range of medical specialties represented at the Session.

Below are the videos of each presentation, covering topics including medical leadership, Australia's health research, and e-health.


Medical Leadership

Dr Andrew Pesce, AMA President

Mrs Jenny Shepherd, Dr Bruce Shepherd's wife (12th AMA President)

The Hon Brendan Nelson (Part 1), 13th AMA President

The Hon Brendan Nelson (Part 2)

The Hon Brendan Nelson (Part 3)

Prof Sir Michael Marmot (Part 1), Professor of Epidemiology and Public Health, University College London

Prof Sir Michael Marmot (Part 2)

Prof Sir Michael Marmot (Part 3)

Dr Peter Foley (Part 1), Chairman, New Zealand Medical Association

Dr Peter Foley (Part 2)

Australia's Health Research

Prof Richard Osborne (Part 1), Professor of Public Health, Public Health Director, Deakin University

Prof Richard Osborne (Part 2)

Assoc Prof Katie Allen (Part 1), Paediatric Gastroenterologist/Allergist, University of Melbourne, Royal Children's Hospital

Assoc Prof Katie Allen (Part 2)

Prof Ron Trent (Part 1), Medical Molecular Genetics, Sydney Medical School

Prof Ron Trent (Part 2)

E-Health evolution or revolution?

Prof Enrico Coiera (Part 1), Director, Centre for Health Informatics, Australian Institute of Health Innovation, University of New South Wales

Prof Enrico Coiera (Part 2)

Ms Jane Halton (Part 1), Secretary, Department of Health & Ageing

Ms Jane Halton (Part 2)

Mr Peter Fleming (Part 1), CEO, NEHTA

Mr Peter Fleming (Part 2)

Dr Mukesh Haikerwal (AO) (Part 1), NEHTA Head of Clinical Leadership & Engagement

Dr Mukesh Haikerwal (AO) (Part 2)

Dr Ross Boswell, Clinical Director of IT for Counties Manukau District Health Board, Former Chairman of New Zealand Medical Association

Dr George Margelis, CEO Care Innovations

Assoc Prof Mike Bainbridge, Adjunct Professor Clinical Informatics, University of British Columbia, Canada


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