
Medical Indemnity Review To Ensure Affordability and Stability - AMA

AMA President, Dr Bill Glasson, said the independent medical indemnity review announced by the Government would contribute to the AMA's and the community's joint objectives - affordable premiums and stability in the medical indemnity industry.

"Everybody wants to see lower medical indemnity premiums, but nobody wants to see other medical indemnity insurers unfairly disadvantaged or forced out of business, which would lead to instability in the sector," Dr Glasson said.

"The Government, the insurers and the AMA worked closely and cooperatively to deliver a groundbreaking medical indemnity rescue package twelve months ago.

"We will work equally cooperatively on this review to ensure the gains of a year ago are not frittered away.

"There has been unprecedented collaboration between Federal and State and Territory Governments, medical organisations and medical insurers to reform tort law, save UMP and stabilise medical indemnity, and the big winners have been Australian patients.

"It is important that this latest review is supported by all parties to keep medical indemnity affordable for doctors and patients, provide a secure medical workforce for the community, and to guarantee stability for the industry," Dr Glasson said.

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