
Media Alert - Doorstop: AMA response to appointment of new Federal Health Minister

AMA President, Dr Bill Glasson, today welcomed the appointment of Tony Abbott as Federal Health Minister, saying the AMA looks forward to working with the new Minister.

Dr Glasson said the appointment to the health portfolio of such a senior minister who is close to the Prime Minister is a welcome sign that the Government is prioritising health.

"Mr Abbott has inherited a portfolio full of serious challenges," Dr Glasson said.

"The medical workforce is in chaos.

"Public hospitals are in a mess.

"Unresolved medical indemnity issues threaten to undermine the Australian health system.

"Adequate progress has not been made on these issues despite calls from the AMA for the Government to urgently address the problems.

"It's time for the Government to lift its game. These issues are having a real impact on the health of ordinary Australians.

"Patients are missing out on access to crucial medical services.

"The AMA looks forward to working with Mr Abbott in the lead up to the next election," Dr Glasson said.

Dr Bill Glasson - Doorstop

Time:                2.00pm

Date:                Monday 29 September 2003

Venue:              Queensland Eye Hospital
                        Front of St Andrew's Place Building
                        33 North Street, Spring Hill

CONTACT:     Judith Tokley                (02) 6270 5471 / (0408) 824 306

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