
Media advice for AMA Family Doctor Week 2002

AMA Family Doctor Week 2002 is 14-20 July.

The week is designed to raise awareness of the key role played by GPs in local communities around Australia.

The AMA Family Doctor Week theme this year is "General Practice - The Smart Way To Better Health", built around simple tips for people to stay healthy:

    • Eat more fresh fruit and vegetables
    • Exercise regularly
    • Drink lots of water
    • Talk to your GP if you feel depressed
    • See your GP for regular checkups
    • Tell your GP about all your medicines, even the alternative ones

Other key Family Doctor Week messages include voluntary accreditation for general practice and the importance of people choosing the right GP for their individual needs - someone they feel comfortable with.

The AMA will also launch the results of a comprehensive poll of GPs about the effect of information technology on their practices and how IT has improved or could improve the way they provide quality care to patients.

AMA President, Dr Kerryn Phelps, will launch Family Doctor Week in Sydney on Sunday 14 July. Dr Phelps will also deliver a nationally televised speech from the National Press Club in Canberra on Wednesday 17 July.

Dr Phelps said GPs are important members of local communities.

"We are not just doctors, we are trusted friends, advisers and confidants," Dr Phelps said.

"However, the time-honoured institution of the family doctor in Australia is under great threat at the moment.

"The medical indemnity crisis, higher practice costs and increased red tape are making it harder for GPs to stay in practice.

"Worse, these factors are making medicine a less attractive career choice for our brightest students.

"There is an impending medical workforce shortage in Australia and we, as a community, should be doing something about it,' Dr Phelps said.

Dr Phelps said the AMA is committed to defending general practice as the gateway to the Australian health system and the 'friendly face' of Australian medicine.

"Our GPs are the best in the world and we must do what we can to provide a secure working environment for them and their patients well into the future.

"People value their GPs and they value easy access to quality affordable health care and advice.

"AMA Family Doctor Week 2002 will put the spotlight on the good work of Australia's GPs and reinforce their positive image in the community," Dr Phelps said.

Dr Phelps acknowledges the generous support of AGPAL (Australian General Practice Accreditation Limited), Australian Apples, and Telstra in staging Family Doctor Week.

Dr Phelps and other senior AMA doctors will be available for media interviews in the lead-up to and during Family Doctor Week.

This year members of the AMA GP Network - hardworking grassroots doctors in country towns and suburbs around Australia - will be available for interview about how they provide 'a smart way to better health' for their patients. Their contacts are attached.

To arrange an interview with Dr Phelps or any of our AMA 'family doctors', please contact Sarah Crichton in the first instance on 02 6270 5472 or 0419 440 076, or Josie Hill on 02 6270 5493.

For further information or access to images of the AMA Family Doctor Week poster go to the AMA website at and click on the Family Doctor Week link.

CONTACT: Sarah Crichton (02) 6270 5472 / (0419) 440 076

Josie Hill (02) 6270 5493

Media Contacts


 02 6270 5478
 0427 209 753

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