Media release

Managing the problem of sports injuries - Australia should follow New Zealand's example

The Australian healthcare system has no coordinated approach for monitoring or preventing sports injuries.

Writing in the latest issue of the Medical Journal of Australia, Dr John Orchard of the University of New South Wales and Associate Professor Caroline Finch of Monash University say that sports injuries result in substantial cost to the Australian community and also act as a barrier to increased participation in physical activity. According to the authors, Aussies should look to the Kiwis for inspiration on how to prevent sports injuries.

In contrast to Australia's lack of a coordinated approach to sports injuries, New Zealand has a specific body responsible for managing sports injuries. New Zealand's Accident Compensation Corporation has the infrastructure to manage and monitor sports injuries, in a similar way to work injuries and traffic accidents.

Dr Orchard says one in five adult Australians is prevented from being more physically active because of injury or disability, and emphasises that minimising injury associated with sports and physical exercise should be a government priority.

Restrictions to liability actions are needed in Australia to prevent the cost of running sports events from becoming prohibitive, while removing the fear of lawsuits that is developing among volunteers (including doctors) who cover sporting events.

Despite some initiatives taken at state government level to establish a specific body for compensating serious sports injuries, data are incomplete and such schemes are not compulsory for all sports.

The authors call on Australian government bodies concerned with health and sport to establish a body with national responsibility for sports safety and injury surveillance.

"It is only with an established infrastructure for monitoring sports injuries that significant advances will be made towards preventing sports injuries and ensuring safe, lifelong participation in physical activity for all Australians," Dr Orchard said.

The Medical Journal of Australia is a publication of the Australian Medical Association.

CONTACTS: Dr John Orchard (02) 9663 5999 (B/H)

University of New South Wales (0416) 282 420 (A/H)

Sarah Crichton, AMA Public Affairs (0419) 44 0076

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