
Make No Excuse We're All Responsible

Only a major national effort involving Governments and Indigenous communities as equal partners will begin to overcome the crisis of violence that has overtaken many Aboriginal communities, AMA President, Dr Mukesh Haikerwal said today.

"All Australians are responsible for ending the horror of child abuse - in Indigenous and all other sections of society," Dr Haikerwal said, amid reports of endemic abuse in some remote Aboriginal communities.

"As a matter of urgency, the AMA calls on all levels of Government to adopt an integrated national strategy to address the issue of child abuse and neglect, including the establishment of a national data collection system.

"All Governments should work with the non-Government sector to develop a national policy and service framework to promote the status and wellbeing of children."

Child abuse is not just a problem in Indigenous communities, Dr Haikerwal said.

"It is frighteningly common in Australia - the Child Protection Australia report in 2003/04 found more than 200,000 suspected cases of child abuse across the nation," he said.

"Sadly, the stories we've been hearing over the past couple of days are not new.

"Those working in the area have been struggling with the issue over many years. It is important that they have the ability to follow through with cases and provide counselling and rehabilitation, to enable the child to return to a normal life."

Minister for Indigenous Affairs, Mal Brough, is right to have drawn attention to the problem, Dr Haikerwal said, adding that both the causes and solutions are complex.

"If we really want to stop violence and abuse, we need to tackle both individual behaviours and social causes," Dr Haikerwal said.

"A comprehensive cross-governmental, cross-departmental collaborative approach with the community is the only way to progress change.

"That means also improving access to housing, fresh water, health care and education, training and employment opportunities.

"If the Minister is genuine about bringing people together to solve the problem in an inclusive way that focuses on the issues not ideology, then the AMA will support him."

To view the revised AMA Position Statement on Child Abuse and Neglect follow the attached link.

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