
Make Dr YES Youth Program National - AMA

AMA President, Dr Rosanna Capolingua, has welcomed the Federal Government's decision to fund a $250,000 trial of the highly successful Dr YES (Youth Education Sessions) program in north west Tasmanian schools - but says all States should get adequate funding to introduce the program.

"Drug abuse and related health issues are not confined to kids going to schools in north west Tasmania," said Dr Capolingua.

"This is a problem confronting all States and they need the financial backing and resources to get the program up and running in their schools."

"The AMA (WA) Foundation established Dr YES in WA 10 years ago to tackle adolescent health issues such as mental health and drug and alcohol abuse.

"Thanks to the Foundation's sponsorship, more than 10,000 WA high school students each year benefit from the program and several other States have been keen to implement it.

"However, without adequate financial support it has been difficult for these States to get started."

Dr YES is led by volunteer medical students who incorporate drama, role play, and small group discussions in secondary school settings. Its twin aims are to connectTopics discussed are those that figure highly in the day-to-day lives of young people and include the harmful effects of alcohol and other drugs, sexual health and mental wellbeing.

"Dr YES enables young people to address their issues in a frank, informative and non-threatening environment," said Dr Capolingua.

"Members of the Dr YES team are only a few years older than the high school students, which helps break down communication barriers and encourages students to ask questions and raise problems that may be impacting on their lives.

"Under the AMA (WA) structure, the program complements and expands on the students' high school curriculum and gives them the knowledge and confidence to access the health system."

Dr Capolingua said she was confident all States would willingly embrace the program if offered the same level of Commonwealth support - including infrastructure funding - being provided to Tasmania.

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