
Let's Get Physical Exercise for All Australians

AMA President, Dr Mukesh Haikerwal, today called on the Government to match sports funding for elite athletes with support for physical activity in the general community.

In this year's budget, the Government allocated more than $250 million to elite sports, but set aside just $67 million for community sport and sporting facilities.

"Our elite sportspeople - our cricketers, swimmers, the Socceroos, Olympic and Commonwealth Games athletes - enjoy the support of the Government, with millions of dollars dedicated to keeping them at the top of the sporting ladder," Dr Haikerwal said.

"But getting everyday Australians moving and actively involved in community sports and exercise is just as important as supporting elite sports.

"So we're calling on the Government to allocate equal money to both -that would mean an additional $183 million dedicated to getting communities more physically active in 2006/07."

As more Australians suffer from chronic disease, obesity and associated health risks than ever before, Dr Haikerwal said physical activity should be a priority for all Australians throughout life - from toddlers to pensioners.

"The Government has a responsibility to ensure that all Australians have access to safe physical activity," Dr Haikerwal said.

"Funding needs to be extended beyond support for elite athletes to give additional support for more physical activity opportunities for all.

"That means everything from improved sports and fitness programs in schools and universities to better town and city design to encourage incidental physical activity such as walking and cycling."

A sedentary lifestyle is responsible for seven per cent of Australia's total burden of disease.

Regular physical activity has proven effective in the prevention of chronic diseases including heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, depression and osteoporosis.

The AMA recommends that a moderate amount of exercise every week - equivalent to about 30 minutes per day - will help to maintain good health.

Speaking today in Melbourne where he launched the official start of the AMA's Family Doctor Week, Dr Haikerwal said GPs are a great source of advice on how to increase participation in physical activity.

However, he added that without proper funding, the opportunities for people to increase their physical activity can be quite limited.

"Interventions by family doctors need to be supported by a variety of population-wide strategies and public education campaigns," Dr Haikerwal said.

"The Government needs to make physical activity more accessible to the community if they are serious about improving the health of Australians - and this means funding it properly."

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