Media release

Legal advice on Doctor Wooldridge's comments

AMA President, Dr Kerryn Phelps, said today the AMA will proceed with defamation action against the Health Minister, Dr Michael Wooldridge.

"I have legal advice that I can sue and I will win," Dr Phelps said.

"My priority is not to take legal action. On legal advice, I have given Dr Wooldridge ample opportunity to apologise, but no apology has been forthcoming.

"Two letters were sent to him. Neither has received a reply.

"Dr Wooldridge still has the chance to withdraw the denigrating remarks to me and to my profession and, by implication, to all Australian general practitioners.

"The legal action is now in the hands of the AMA's lawyers, Bush Burke and Co. They have been instructed to take appropriate action."

29 May 2001

CONTACT: John Flannery (02) 6270 5477 / (0419) 494 761

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