
Launch - Healing Hands - Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander workforce requirements

AMA President, Dr Bill Glasson, will launch the AMA's report on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander medical workforce needs on Thursday 12 August at the Redfern Community Centre in Sydney.

'Healing Hands - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Workforce Requirements', is the third in a series of AMA reports on Indigenous health. It's based on an Access Economics Report, 'Indigenous Health Workforce Needs', commissioned by the AMA.

Speaking at the launch will be:

Dr Bill Glasson

AMA President

Tony McCartney

National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO) Chairperson

Dr Kelvin Kong

Director Eastern Region, Australian Indigenous Doctors Association

Also attending the launch will be:

Dea Delaney


Alan Eldridge

CEO Australian Indigenous Doctors Association

Roger Kilham

Access Economics, author of the report

Media are welcome to attend and stay for morning tea.

Media Contacts


 02 6270 5478
 0427 209 753

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