
Labor's Children's Health Blueprint 'In the Pink'

AMA President, Dr Mukesh Haikerwal, said today that Labor has set out a comprehensive plan to improve the health of Australian children and youth that he hopes to see translated to a fully-costed policy for the next election.

Dr Haikerwal said the blueprint hits on several key areas identified by the AMA as crucial if we are to provide the next generation of Australians a platform for healthy and active lives.

"The focus on the health of Indigenous children, specifically the effects of low birth weight, is especially welcome," Dr Haikerwal said.

"Our research shows that Indigenous children are twice as likely to be born with low birth weight, which can result in physical and developmental disadvantage.

"The need for a greater focus on maternal health and early interventions for infants and children, especially in the areas of nutrition and mental health, has also been identified in today's announcement.

"The importance of maternal nutrition such as folate and iodine as vital public health interventions is becoming increasingly recognised.

"We need more quality data on child health, with neither the Government nor the opposition adequately addressing this issue in their announcements today. Establishing a national Nutrition Centre, as proposed by the AMA, would help resolve this problem.

"Labor has, however, pointed out that there is no child health specific branch in the Health Department, a concern shared by the AMA. We suggest a Federal Child and Youth Health Commissioner to act as focus point for the various activities and programs undertaken by many different Departments.

"The ALP discussion paper notes the lack of access to specialist paediatric services, an area the AMA is increasingly concerned about and which is a priority of the AMA's Child and Youth Health Committee.

"Extended waiting times to access specialised services for children can have major impacts that can continue to adulthood, especially as a consequence of delays in access to speech and hearing services.

"The AMA welcomes the focus on child and youth health by both major parties today and looks forward to further bipartisan approaches to set young Australians a smoother path to healthy lives," Dr Haikerwal said.

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