
Labor TV Ads An Insensitive Misrepresentation of Doctors

AMA President, Dr Bill Glasson, said today that the AMA is outraged at the gross misrepresentation of doctors in Labor's Medicare television advertisements.

Dr Glasson said the AMA attacked the ads when they were first trialled in August 2003, but the message is even more insensitive and offensive today.

"Doctors are not to blame for medical workforce shortages or the increasing gap payments that patients have to make for their health care," Dr Glasson said.

"Medicare has been run down by successive governments - both Coalition and Labor.

"It is only in the heat of an election bidding war that both sides are now showing any real interest in fixing Medicare and helping patients.

"But Labor's apparent attempt to blame doctors for Medicare's failings is a very cheap shot indeed.

"Poking fun at doctors may get a few cheap laughs at the advertising agency but it won't wash with the people who will vote on health - the patients.

"There is a shortage of doctors but Labor's policy emphasis on restoring bulk billing rates will do nothing to improve the quality, access, affordability and choice problems facing Australian patients.

"GPs are doing it tough to provide quality primary care for all Australians.  They need support and encouragement.  They don't deserve to be kicked while they are down.

"I would urge Labor to aim their policy attacks at their real political opponents, not the innocent bystanders," Dr Glasson said.

22 September 2004

CONTACT:            John Flannery            (02) 6270 5477 / (0419) 494 761

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