
Keeping the Doctors Who Keep Australia Healthy

AMA President, Dr Mukesh Haikerwal, today launched the AMA's 14th Family Doctor Week, the AMA's annual tribute to GPs, to run from today until 22 July. The theme this year is GPs: Keeping Australia Healthy.

Family doctors are a lynchpin of Australian communities, from the bush to the beach.

From the nation's very beginnings, doctors have kept Australians healthy in body and mind.

As we move further into the new century and the prospect of radical healthcare changes, Dr Haikerwal said it's now even more important to recognise the central role of the GP in health care and in the lives of all Australians.

"The landscape of medicine is changing," said Dr Haikerwal, a Melbourne-based GP.

"Our GP workforce is on average getting older and closer to retirement just as Australia faces epidemics of chronic disease brought on by increasing obesity rates and an ageing generation of baby boomers.

"Meanwhile, ongoing training and support for the up and coming medical students - the doctors of tomorrow - is under question.

"And with bed and staff shortages in hospitals and aged care homes, the central role of the GP is increasingly vital to maintaining a high standard of health care for each and every patient."

During this Family Doctor Week the AMA is highlighting the importance of maintaining a robust GP workforce across the nation, the good sense of supporting GP-led health care teams, and the need for better communication and interaction between GPs and hospitals.

"We're also promoting the crucial work GPs do in educating children about good nutrition and healthy eating, the need for better opportunities for each Australian to keep physically active, and the importance of preventive health care, particularly for men," Dr Haikerwal said.

A range of Family Doctor Week activities will be held, coordinated by Federal and State AMA offices. For more details on activities, call coordinator Kristen Connell on 02 6270 5439 or 0409 070 346. An image of this year's poster is available on

Family Doctor Week 2006 is supported by American Express.

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