
Junk Food Ad Ban What Parents Want

AMA Vice President, Dr Choong-Siew Yong, today said the AMA is heartened that a new national survey confirms the overwhelming majority of parents support a ban on junk food advertising during children's television viewing times.

"This finding supports the AMA's position that advertising foods high in fat, sugar and salt directly to children is unconscionable," Dr Yong said.

"In this Federal Election year, we will continue to call on the Federal Government to ban junk food ads during children's television viewing times."

The survey was commissioned by the Coalition on Food Advertising to Children (CFAC), of which the AMA is a member.

It found that almost 90 per cent of parents support a ban on junk food ads during times when children are watching TV.

"More and more Australian children are becoming overweight and obese," Dr Yong said.

"Banning junk food ads for kids is an easy, cost-effective way to help address this growing problem.

"The Australian Communications and Media Authority is currently reviewing TV standards - this is a perfect opportunity to introduce strict rules forbidding broadcasters from airing junk food ads during children's viewing times," Dr Yong said.

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