
- Information Technology - Doctors Won't Go Out on A Limb on A Whim

AMA President, Dr Mukesh Haikerwal, said today that doctors are well connected to information technology in their practices, with over 90 per cent of GPs using electronic prescribing and communications systems.

Responding to Health Minister Tony Abbott's comments earlier this week that implied doctors are stalling the uptake of information technology in the health system, Dr Haikerwal said the medical profession has led on this issue by actively encouraging and helping members make greater use of IT.

"The process has stalled because the Government has not provided a clear business case for doctors to further expand their use of IT," Dr Haikerwal said.

"New technology is initially time consuming and expensive.

"GPs have been only too happy to take up electronic systems and make necessary investments where those systems are supported by a real business case. They have been at the forefront on issues such as robust data and security.

"The AMA has consistently advised the Government that HIC Online, as it currently operates, does not present a good business case for GPs.

"There are two major problems with the current HIC Online format which are causing delays in what is potentially a very positive innovation," Dr Haikerwal said.

The AMA has consistently called on Government to address the following two problems:

  • ensure the system works to fully support private billing in a manner that allows the patient to pay the full amount up front but have the Medicare rebate paid immediately (like any other financial transaction) back into their account.
  • where the rebate is assigned to the doctor under a bulk bill or where the bill is submitted for payment through HIC Online ensure that the doctor's payment is made immediately to the appropriate account - again the type of real time transaction that already occurs in the financial sector.

"The AMA rejects any suggestion that participation in HealthConnect and HIC Online could become mandatory in order to achieve accreditation," Dr Haikerwal said.

"Doctors drive the standards that underpin accreditation. The Government does not. The Government has no role in setting the standards.

"If the Government consulted with doctors and built electronic systems that met to the needs of doctors and patients and delivered a real business case, no mandate would be necessary. Compulsion implies a flawed system.

"The AMA supports the increased use of e-health in medical practice. Involvement of doctors is essential for success. But this won't happen without the strong involvement of doctors. The Government must engage actively with the profession in this important venture," Dr Haikerwal said.

4 August 2005

CONTACT: Judith Tokley (02) 6270 5471 / (0408) 824 306

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