
Indigenous medical scholarship winner

AMA President, Dr Kerryn Phelps, announced today that David Nichols, a second-year medical student at the University of Tasmania, is this year's winner of the Indigenous Peoples Medical Scholarship.

David will receive $6000 a year for each year of his medical studies until graduation to assist with his education costs.

Dr Phelps said David's story is one of great achievement against the odds.

"David became interested in medicine while growing up in the Northern Territory," Dr Phelps said.

"His mother fell seriously ill and this incident inspired him to want to become a doctor one day.

"While at high school he studied hard while working as a paper boy and assistant signmaker out of school hours to earn a few dollars.

"At Elizabeth College, he achieved academic excellence awards. After school, he was excelling at the local supermarket in customer service and product presentation.

"His results were so good at the end of Year 12 he was offered a place to study medicine at the University of Tasmania.

"In his first year at Uni, he was placed on the Dean's Roll of Excellence and inducted as a member of the Golden Key International Honour Society.

"David chose medicine because he wants to help and heal other people. Another goal is to do what he can to raise health standards in the Aboriginal community and encourage more Aboriginal people into the medical profession.

"He still works at the supermarket to help cover the cost of his studies.

"David Nichols is a hard working individual with a generosity of spirit.

"The AMA is proud to have him as our scholarship winner this year," Dr Phelps said.

The Indigenous Peoples Medical Scholarship Trust Fund was established with a contribution from the Australian Government and private donations and is administered by the AMA, with the help of an advisory committee - including the AMA President and members of the Indigenous Doctors Association - appointed by the Board of Trustees.

CONTACT: Sarah Crichton (02) 6270 5472 / (0419) 440 076

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