
Independent Panel for PBS Listings Must Be Maintained: AMA

The Australian Medical Association today called for a Senate inquiry into proposed Federal Government legislation which threatened to compromise the independence of an expert panel overseeing the subsidising of pharmaceutical products.

AMA Federal Vice-President, Dr Trevor Mudge, said it was critical that the independent nature of the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (PBAC) be preserved.

Dr Mudge was commenting on reports that the Federal Government was going to rush through proposed legislation next week introducing new procedures for electing PBAC committee members which would restrict their tenure and result in a number of highly-experienced independent delegates losing their positions on the committee.

"We need an independent, expert body to carry out the assessment of pharmaceutical products against appropriate criteria that reflect the best health interests of the community," Dr Mudge said.

"PBAC has played a central role in representing the broad interests of the public, as well as balancing the interests of the pharmaceutical industry.

"It is important that a Senate inquiry is held when Parliament resumes next year, to ensure that a staged approach is taken to any restructuring of the committee and that its role as an independent panel is safe," Dr Mudge said.

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