

The Australian Medical Association today rejected a think tank report that labels efforts to prevent obesity and chronic diseases a waste of money.

The Centre for Independent Studies claims that there is no convincing evidence that preventative health measures work, and Australia's 40-year track record of public health education campaigns have not achieved outcomes.

AMA President, Dr Rosanna Capolingua, said that Australia is only just beginning to make an effort to turn the tide on obesity and chronic disease.

There is ample evidence in other areas where public health education campaigns have been very effective - immunisation and tobacco are two examples.

" Campaigns need to be multi facetted and effective and the AMA believes Australia needs to substantially increase its commitment to prevention in both dollar terms and programs."

"Interventions and programs to address obesity must also extend beyond the 'public education programs' and include legislation, tax measures, urban planning regulations and changes to food marketing.

"There is evidence that these interventions will have a positive impact on obesity if appropriately pursued. The AMA's recently released Position Statement on Obesity, refers to studies and evidence to support this"

Dr Capolingua said the factors that contribute to obesity are complex and diverse.

The AMA believes that responsibility for addressing the obesity epidemic is a 'whole-of-society' responsibility - which includes governments, the food industry, the health and education sectors, and individuals.

"For the Centre for Independent Studies to suppose that the causes and solutions to the obesity epidemic lie solely with individuals and their behaviour is harsh and unrealistic.

Obesity costs Australia about $21 billion per year, let alone the human cost and suffering. The rates of adult obesity continue to rise at an average rate of one per cent of the adult population per annum.

"The consequences of doing nothing in an attempt to curb this are disastrous," Dr Capolingua said.

Dr Capolingua pointed out that The Centre for Independent Studies claims to support 'a free enterprise economy and a free society under limited government'.

The AMA Position Statement can be found at: /node/3033

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