
Improved Electronic Claiming

AMA President, Dr Mukesh Haikerwal, said today that the AMA welcomes the Government's improved Medicare electronic claiming system - an initiative that the AMA has been discussing with the Government for many years.

Dr Haikerwal said the real winners would be the patients who will be able to avoid the current inconvenience of paper processing and queuing at Medicare offices.

"The problem of failing to claim in time and losing the rebate will be avoided, and patient eligibility for Medicare benefits would also be confirmed at the point of claiming," Dr Haikerwal said.

"Since first proposing the electronic claiming system, the AMA has worked with the Government to fine-tune the claiming system, especially in relation to privacy issues and minimising costs.

"The AMA has also been in regular dialogue with the private sector companies who will design and roll out the system.

"We have confidence in the prototype that the Government launched yesterday, but there is still further refinement needed before the new system is introduced fully next year.

"The AMA will continue to work with Government on this initiative to develop the specifications and to discuss implementation issues.

"We would hope that this work begins without delay.

"Costs to GPs must be minimised and we welcome the fact that the Government is committed to meeting the costs of any electronic transactions with Medicare Australia.

"The new system will move Medicare into the 21st century by shifting from a paper-based system to an electronic system that creates greater efficiencies for everyone.

"Most people use and have great confidence in swipe-card technology and so this will add to the acceptance of this system.

"Patients won't have to queue at the Medicare office for rebates, and doctors who currently experience delays in claims processing will have a system that gives them greater confidence of quick turnaround in Medicare payments," Dr Haikerwal said.

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