Media release

Important for teenagers to build a trusting relationship with their family doctor


AMA Family Doctor Week 16-22 July 2012 

AMA President, Dr Steve Hambleton, said today that it is important for teenagers to establish a strong independent relationship with their family doctor.

Dr Hambleton said that people in their teenage years are exposed to more health issues, challenges and risks, and it is the time when they must learn to take control of their own health management.

“Teenagers take more risks with their bodies and their health and they will struggle to accept advice about their lifestyle choices,” Dr Hambleton said.

“Their bodies are growing and changing as they move into adulthood.  They are also seeking independence from parental control over many aspects of their lives, and this can lead to risky behaviour, often to do with sexual activity, smoking, and alcohol and drug use.

“They need advice and information from a trusted source to back up their parents, and that trusted source is often the family doctor.

“Family doctors are well placed to have difficult conversations about sex, alcohol and drug use, and issues like bullying, and we can help younger patients to make educated choices and to be in control of their decisions.

“Family doctors will also encourage teenagers to start thinking about diet and exercise, and discuss the scheduling of regular preventive health checks such as pap smears,” Dr Hambleton said.

You can view Dr Hambleton’s YOU AND YOUR FAMILY DOCTOR: ADOLESCENCE message at

Family Doctor Week is a celebration of the hard work and dedication of the nation’s family doctors – the GPs who serve local communities in the cities, the suburbs, rural centres, country towns, and remote areas of Australia.

This year, the theme is Family Doctor Week: For a Lifetime of Trusted Care.

Each day this week, the AMA will focus on a stage of life and the key role that family doctors play in helping their patients throughout that stage.


19 July 2012


CONTACT:         Kirsty Waterford                  02 6270 5464 / 0427 209 753

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