
IBNR levy AMA calls on doctors to tell their stories

AMA President, Dr Bill Glasson, today urged doctors to individually tell the Government how much the imposition of the medical indemnity IBNR levy is hurting them and their patients.

Dr Glasson said the AMA has been flooded with calls for urgent advice from doctors who say the levy will lead to two inevitable outcomes - fewer doctors and higher out-of-pocket expenses for patients.

"The AMA received a sympathetic hearing from the Prime Minister on Monday when the problems surrounding medical indemnity generally and the IBNR levy specifically were explained to him in detail," Dr Glasson said.

"The Prime Minister has heard the practical side of the argument, now he needs to hear the personal side of the devastating impact straight from the doctors affected.

"I urge all doctors who have received HIC invoices for the IBNR levy to phone, fax or write to the Prime Minister, the Health Minister, Senator Kay Patterson, the Assistant Treasurer, Senator Helen Coonan, and their local MP or Senator," Dr Glasson said.

The HIC invoices are based on premiums that doctors were paying to United Medical Protection (UMP) in 2000 and do not take into account any changed circumstances encountered by individual doctors.

Many doctors have scaled down their practices, others are working part-time, some have disabilities, and a large number of female doctors have left the workforce or are working minimum hours while looking after children.

"With doctors facing bills up to $200,000, sometimes more, to be paid over the next ten years - on top of their already too high medical indemnity premiums - many are telling the AMA 'enough is enough'," Dr Glasson said.

"They have no guarantees that the medical indemnity situation will not get worse.

"The Government must act to fix the unfairness and hardship of the IBNR scheme to stop the loss of doctors to the community and to protect patient access to medical services.

"A long-term care scheme for severely injured patients must become a priority for the Government to avert an escalation in the medical indemnity crisis.

"Every doctor affected by the medical indemnity crisis must tell their story to the Government and the general public so people can understand the enormity of the problem for the whole community," Dr Glasson said.

CONTACT:         John Flannery            (02) 6270 5477 / (0419) 494 761

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