
Hospital Continuity Plans Essential in Pandemic

All hospitals and medical businesses must develop business continuity plans to deal with a possible influenza pandemic, AMA President, Dr Mukesh Haikerwal, said today.

Dr Haikerwal was responding to an article in the latest Medical Journal of Australia in which biosecurity and health specialists urged hospitals to draft comprehensive pandemic plans.

"Of course it's important that hospitals and medical businesses plan to continue to provide health care in the event of a flu pandemic," Dr Haikerwal said.

"But it's equally important that they work out how they will keep things running from a business point of view.

"Having business continuity plans will prepare hospitals and other medical businesses to continue functioning as best they can under those circumstances."

Hospitals and medical businesses should check that their service providers also have business continuity plans in place, Dr Haikerwal said.

The Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources has published a guide at outlining the basics for business continuity planning, including identifying essential business activities, infrastructure, and resources, and developing strategies to mitigate disruptions.

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